Honeywell International, Inc.

Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Advanced Software Engineer

Posted 14 days ago

Job Description

Advanced Software Engineer for Honeywell International, Inc. in (Atlanta, GA). Dvlpmnt of new applctn cpblties for back-end srvces & frnt-end UI usng cmptr prgrmmng lnguages sch as C#, .NET, ReactJS, SQL, SQL Srvr, Strd Prcdres. Reqs: Bach dgree in Comp Info Systms, SW Eng, Comp Eng, or rel fld + 7 yrs of SW eng exp. In the alt, emplyr wll accpt a Mast dgree in the abve-lstd flds + 5 yrs of SW eng exp. Fll trm of exp mst inclde: Dvlpmnt of Applctns usng C#, ReactJS, AngularJS, SQL, Databses, Prfrmnce Tnng; Agile Crmny; Spprt & rsltn of Cstmr Issues; NET, Visual Stdio, Databses; Applctn Cchng; Prfrmnce Tnng; Sclblty; Rsliency; Dtbse dsgn; Dtbse Strd Prcdres; Dtbse Prfrmnce; Rest APIs; Evnt Drvn Archtctre Srvces Dvlpmnt; & Front End Dvlpmnt. Tlcmmtng prmttd 2 tmes/week. If offd emplymnt mst hve lgl rght to wrk in U.S. EOE. To apply for this role visit: Reference code: req 480894