Honeywell International, Inc.
Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Advanced Software Engineer
Job Description
Advanced Software Engineer for Honeywell International, Inc. in (Atlanta, GA). Dvlpmnt of new applctn cpblties for back-end srvces & frnt-end UI usng cmptr prgrmmng lnguages sch as C#, .NET, ReactJS, SQL, SQL Srvr, Strd Prcdres. Reqs: Bach dgree in Comp Info Systms, SW Eng, Comp Eng, or rel fld + 7 yrs of SW eng exp. In the alt, emplyr wll accpt a Mast dgree in the abve-lstd flds + 5 yrs of SW eng exp. Fll trm of exp mst inclde: Dvlpmnt of Applctns usng C#, ReactJS, AngularJS, SQL, Databses, Prfrmnce Tnng; Agile Crmny; Spprt & rsltn of Cstmr Issues; NET, Visual Stdio, Databses; Applctn Cchng; Prfrmnce Tnng; Sclblty; Rsliency; Dtbse dsgn; Dtbse Strd Prcdres; Dtbse Prfrmnce; Rest APIs; Evnt Drvn Archtctre Srvces Dvlpmnt; & Front End Dvlpmnt. Tlcmmtng prmttd 2 tmes/week. If offd emplymnt mst hve lgl rght to wrk in U.S. EOE. To apply for this role visit: Reference code: req 480894