Honeywell International, Inc.
Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Advanced Software Engineer (.NET Developer)
Job Description
Advanced Software Engineer (.NET Developer): Honeywell International, Inc. (Atlanta, GA) Rsearch & dvlp novel SW sltns to be used to build new features & imprvmnts in the Forge prdct prtflio. Reqs: Bach dgree or frgn equiv in Comp Sci, SW Eng, Elctrnc Eng, or rltd fld, + 5 yrs of exp in dvlpng entrprse applctns in .Net. Mst hve 5 yrs of exp w/ the fllwng: exp as a SW Eng usng an Agile SW lifecycle incldng TDD, pair prgrmmng, short rlease cycles; exprt knwldge of OO, DDD, gang of four dsgn pttrs, entrprse dsgn pttrns; exp wrkng on a dstrbtd cloud-bsd mcro-srvce archtctre; & exp dsgnng & dvlpng RESTful API’s. Tlcmmtng prmttd up to 2 times/week. If offered employment must have legal right to work in U.S. EOE. Apply: Ref: req 481472