Job Description
IT Director: Honeywell International, Inc. (Charlotte, NC) Unrstand key IT & Bsnss priorties, sttegc & cticl initiatives to idntfy & dvlp effctve & tmely anlytic sltns. Reqs: Bach or frgn equiv in Comp Info Systms, Comp Sci, Comp Eng, or rltd fld + 7 yrs prgrssve exp oprtng, mngng or mntrng IT infrstrctre & srvces. Mst pssess 5 yrs exp: mngng & vsualzng data to drve oprtnl efficiencies; buildng dshbards that smplfies data so that it is easy undrstnd & cmprhnd; dvlpng anlytcl vsualztn & prsntng orlly to IT leadrshp; dlvrng on cmplx situatns or prblms w/out guidnce or sprvsn; data analycal slls. Must pssess Splunk Exprtse, incl certs as a Splunk Crtfied Archtct & Splunk Crtfied Entrprse Scrty admin. 5% travel req. Telecom permitted up to 2x/week. If offered employment must have legal right to work in U.S. EOE. Apply: Ref: req 480945