Honeywell International, Inc.

Des Plaines, Illinois, United States

Sr Controllership Manager

Posted 13 days ago

Job Description

Sr Controllership Manager for Honeywell International, Inc. (Des Plaines, IL). Ensre cmpliance w/ corpo accntng plcies, U.S. GAAP & statutory reqs w/ rspct to cstmr cntrcts, bsnss prpsls & ongoing cstmr enggmnt. Reqs Bach dgree or frgn equiv in Accntng, Fnnce, or a rel fld, + 8 yrs of drct accntng & fnncial anlysis exp in prgrssvly rspnsble roles. Fll trm of exp mst inclde: ovrsght rspnsblties for accntng & fnncial anlysis; tchncl accontng knwldge & research sklls in U.S. GAAP, rel to rvnue rcgntn (ASC 606), incldng gross-to-net assessmnt, evluatng prfrmnce oblgtns & estmtng stnd-alne sllng price; prfrmng cntrct rviews incldng mdfctn, rnwl optns, post-cntrct cstmr spprt & trmntn clauses; accntng exp for joint vntres & rel cnsldtn evluatn; exp w/ SOX 404, incldng assessng intrnl cntrl frmwrk, evluatng effctvnss of cntrls, & remdiatng cntrl dfciencies; prfciency in accntng for bsnss cmbntns (ASC 805) incldng reviewng opnng blnce sheet, prjctd fnncial info, fair value measrmnt & cnsdrtn trnsfrrd; ablty to wrk crss-fnctnlly & dvlp strng wrkng rltnshps acrss org & fnctnl boundries to obtain all rlvnt fcts, undrstnd the bsnss reqs, idntfy the accntng reqs & cmmncte the cnclsns reachd; undrstndng of the fnncial statmnt clse prcss, incldng journl entry rview & accnt rcncliatn & ablty to play a key role in dvlpng & implmntng new fnncial prcss imprvmnts; & exp leadng & coachng jr team mmbrs. Mst be a lcnsd CPA. Up to 10% dmstc & intrntnl trvl req. Tlcmmtng prmttd up to 2x/wk. If offd emplymnt mst hve lgl rght to wrk in U.S. EOE. To apply for this role visit: Reference code: req 455894