Honeywell International, Inc.
Charlotte, North Carolina, United States
Sr IT Architect
Job Description
Sr IT Architect: Honeywell International, Inc. (Charlotte, NC) Prtcpte in tchnlgy dsgn & intgrtn effrts w/ othr eng & spprt teams. Reqs: Bach dgree or frgn equiv in Info Tech, Comp Sci, Elctrnc Eng, or a rel fld, + 6 yrs of Info Tech exp. Fll trm of exp mst inclde: PAAS; IAAS; SAAS on Azure; AWS; Google Exprtse in multi-tierd applctn trffc flow; DNS glbl load blncng, routng, swtchng, & IP sbnttng; Wireshrk trce inteprtatn; creatn of ntwrk plns; ensrng tchnlgy intrprblty; dcmntng exstng & prpsd ntwrk infrstrctre; maintainng relatnshps w/ tchncl sltn prvdrs; & prvdng last tier trbleshtng/spprt. Up to 10% dmstc trvl req’d. Telecom prmttd up to 2 times/week. If offered employment must have legal right to work in U.S. EOE. Apply: Reference code: req 480949