Okeechobee County Schools

Okeechobee, Florida, United States

Teacher Music-Elem

Posted over 1 month ago

Job Description

Position Information
Listing ID: 240913002
Position: Teacher
Assignment: Teacher Music-Elem
Job Type: Instructional Contract
196 Days : 7.5 Hours
Salary Matrix: TEAPER25
Step Range: 0 - $51,000.00 to 38 - $73,600.00 (contract)
Florida Certification Required: Elementary Education-Music
Employment Type: Full Time
INSIDE DEADLINE: 9/18/2024: Criminal background check and drug screening
Job Descriptions: Teacher (Attachment) View
Application Deadline: Until Filled
Equal Opportunity Employer


The School District of Okeechobee County has adopted Board Policy 6.43, Unlawful Discrimination Prohibited. No person shall, on the basis of race (including anti-Semitism), color, religion, gender, pregnancy, age, national or ethnic origin, genetic information, political beliefs, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, if otherwise qualified, social and family background or on the basis of the use of a language other than English by LEP students, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity, or in any employment conditions or practices conducted by this School District, except as provided by law.

The School District of Okeechobee County is in compliance with all federal and state laws which include the Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended by the ADA Amendments Act of 2008 (ADAAA), Title IX, Section 504, Florida Education Equity Act, Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA), Genetic Information Non-Discrimination Act of 2008 (GINA), and the Boy Scouts of America Equal Access Act.

Any employee, student, applicant for admissions, or applicant for employment who believes he/she has been discriminated against or has been harassed by another employee, student, or third party is encouraged to use the Equity Plan Grievance Procedure for filing complaints. You may file with: principal or immediate supervisor, District Equity Coordinator/Director of Human Resources or the Superintendent.

Director of Human Resources
Title II, Title IX, and the Florida Education Equity Act Complaints and
ADA/Section 504 Complaints
700 SW 2nd Avenue, Okeechobee, FL 34974
(863) 462-5000 Ext. 1067
Conditions of Employment
  1. Are you a U.S. citizen or otherwise legally authorized to work in the U.S.?
  2. Federal immigration laws (Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986) require employers to verify and attest to the employment eligibility of new employees to work in the United States. This requirement applies to all applicants. Are you legally authorized to work in the U.S.?
  3. Are you able to perform the essential functions of the position for which you are applying, with or without reasonable accommodations?
  4. Are you willing to submit to a drug test?
  5. Are you willing to submit to a Level II Criminal Background check?
  6. In accordance with FS 1012.315, you will not qualify for FL certification if you have been convicted of certain felony offenses. Can you confirm that you have never been convicted of offenses such as sexual misconduct, aggravated assault or aggravated battery?
  7. In accordance with FS 1012.315, you will not qualify for FL certification if you have been convicted of certain misdemeanor offenses. Can you confirm that you have never been convicted of a misdemeanor such as battery on a minor or luring or enticing a child?
  8. Okeechobee County School Board requires all employees meet an age requirement of 20 years. Please confirm that you meet this requirement.
  9. Do you understand that any false or misleading information in this application (or any omissions of information) shall be full and sufficient grounds to refuse to employ or having been employed shall be immediate cause for dismissal?
Skills Questionnaire
  1. Rate your teaching ability.
  2. Rate your level of proficiency in classroom management skills.
  3. Rate your level of experience with special needs students.
  4. Rate your level of proficiency in using instructional technology in the classroom.
  5. Rate your level of proficiency in differentiating instruction for students.
  6. Rate your oral and written communication skills.
  7. Rate your ability to work with others.
  8. Rate your level of proficiency in creating positive relationships with students, staff and administration.
  9. Rate your past work history regarding attendance and punctuality.
  10. Rate your time management skills.
  11. Rate your decision making skills.
  12. Rate yourself as a learner.
General Questions
  1. Have you ever been employed in this district? If yes, when? Where?
  2. Have you ever been convicted, found guilty, had adjudication withheld, entered a pre-trial diversion program, or pled guilty or nolo-contendere, (no contest) to a criminal offense other than a minor traffic violation? This includes offences committed as a juvenile. DUI is NOT a minor traffic violation. If yes, explain. (Expunged or sealed records may be displayed on your background screening.)
  3. Are you currently under investigation, or been named in an indictment, accusation, or special presentment of any offense, other than a minor traffic violation? If yes, please explain.
  4. Have you ever had a report of child abuse or sexual activities involving a minor or PK-12 student filed against you? This would include reports to a school district, a state or federal agency, a police agency, or in court.
  5. Are you presently or have you ever:
  6. If you selected any of the choices on the previous question, please explain each of the circumstances.
Notification of Social Security Number Collection and Usage

In compliance with Florida Statute 119.071(5), this document serves to notify you of the purpose for the collection of your social security number. The Okeechobee County School Board will collect and use your social security number only if specifically authorized by law to do so or when it is imperative for the performance of its duties and responsibilities as prescribed by law.

An applicant, employee, vendor, or volunteers social security number may be required for:

Employment Application

Criminal History Check (FDLE, FBI and local law
enforcement agencies)

Department of Homeland Security Federal I-9 form

Federal W4, W2, 1099, and other IRS documents

Federal Social Security taxes (FICA)

Unemployment reports (Florida Department of

Florida Retirement System (FRS) documents and

Workers' Compensation documents and reports

Direct Deposit documents

Authorizations and other documents for optional
retirement programs such as 403(b)

Documents and reports related to Group benefits
such as health, dental, and life insurance

Documents and reports related to supplemental

Documents and reports for the Florida Department
of Education Bureau of Educator Certification,
Florida Department of Education Bureau of
Professional Practices, and other FLDOE
departments, as required

Documents and reports for the Florida Department
of Children and Families, Florida Department of
Labor, Florida Department of Revenue, and other
local, state and federal agencies, as required

Other purposes specifically required or authorized
by local, state, or federal law
Sick Days - 10
Holidays - 6
Florida Retirement System Plan
Fringe Benefits Packet (options include Life Insurance, Disability Insurance, Dental, Vision, Cancer)
Health Insurance Available
401 K Plan Available
403 B Plan Available

Transcript - Bachelor's Deg
FL Certificate/Eligibility
Instructional Reference Questions: 0 of 5 external references required.