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Job Description
Exercise Physiologist: qualified w/ master's or foreign equiv deg in Kinesiology or Exercise Physiology & 6 mos of work exp as physical therapist asst to Perform endurance, stress, & other tests & analyze the resulting data. Measure clients' blood pressure, oxygen usage, heart rhythm, & other key health indicators. Dvlp exercise prgms that address clients' fitness needs. Implmt prgms to improve clients' health. Analyze client's medical history to assess their risk during exercise & to determine the best exercise & fitness regimen for the client. Worksite Loc: 255 E 138th St, Bronx, NY 10451. Salary - $71,781.00 per annum. Aspiring candidates should mail their resumes to HR Mgr, PHP STAFFING LLC, 25 W Houston St, Apt 2C, NY, NY 10012. Job Loc: NY, NY 10012.