Honeywell International, Inc.

Phoenix, Arizona, United States

Software Engineer II

Posted over 1 month ago

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Job Description

Software Engineer II for Honeywell International, Inc. (Phoenix, AZ). Wrk w/ exp SW engnrs to cncptualze, dsgn, engnr, & excte indstry leadng prjcts from start to fnsh. Reqs Bach dgree or frgn equiv in Comp Eng, Comp Sci, Info Syste, or a rel fld, + 5 yrs of exp in SW dvlpmnt. Fll trm of exp mst inclde: exp applyng SW dvlpmnt fndmntls; exp wrkng w/ Java or anthr objct orientd lnguage; exp actvly cllbrtng w/ engnrs & peer teams; exp wrkng to trblesht & solve prblms indpndntly as well as part of a team; exp multi-tskng & styng orgnzd in a dynmc wrk envrnmnt; exp or knwldge of Agile dvlpmnt, intrctve dvlpmnt, & cntnuous intgrtn; exp wrkng w/ .NET, JAVA, Cncpts of Cloud srvces, SQL srvr or anthr SQL bsd databse; & exp prblm slvng & dbggng cmplx SW. Apprx 10% dmstc & int trvl req. Tlcmmtng prmttd up to 2x/wk. If offd emplymnt mst hve lgl rght to wrk in U.S. EOE. To apply for this role visit: Reference code: req451108.