Honeywell International, Inc.
Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Sr Advanced Software Engineer
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Job Description
Sr Advanced Software Engineer: Honeywell International, Inc. (Atlanta, GA): rspnsble for wrkng w/ Honeywell SW Eng teams in an Agile envrnmnt to coordnte dsgn, dvlp (wrtng cde), mnge &/or maintain our key prdcts in the Cnnctd Sfety. Reqs: Bach dgree or frgn equiv in Info Tech, Comp Sci, Elctrnc Eng, or rltd fld, + 8 yrs of SW dev exp. Mst pssess 5 yrs of exp in the fllwng: rqurmnt analysis; objct orientd dsgn; implmntatn, tstng & spprt; SOLID dsgn prncples & dsgn pttrns; Cntnuous Intgrtn & Cntnuous Dlvry Prcsses; prgrmmng lnguages, incldng C#, .net frmwrk, & .net Core; Cloud SaaS/PaaS/IaaS; hnds on Azure knwldge (AD, App srvce, Strge Accnt (Blob, Queue, Tables), & Cosmos DB, Key Vaults, APIM, Sendgrid); NoSQL databses, incldng MongoDB & Time series DB (Influx DB or smlr); wrtng Unit testcases; wrkng in an agile envrnmnt w/ fll stck teams; web APIs, Web applctn dvlpmnt, Micro srvces; JavaScrpt, incldng DOM mnpltn & the JavaScript objct mdl data strctre libraries; mdrn frnt-end build pipelines & tools; code vrsnng tools, incldng Git; & tchnclly cmptnt/leadng Cloud & On‐prmse Pltfrm Dvlpmnt. Tlcmmtng prmttd up to 2 times per week. If offered employment must have legal right to work in U.S. EOE. Apply: Ref: req 460544