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Job Description
Systems Consultant 1. Perform reqmts gathering by meeting biz users or clients. Dsgn, modify & dvlp system solutions in complex s/ware dvlpmt environment as per business reqmts. Manage reqmts volatility, integrity & prep functional specs. Support syst integ usr accep & regr test w/defect mgmt. Research, analy & idntfy opportus for systm prcss imprvmnts. Must be willing to travel to set up systems to various clients at unanticipated locations across the nation & perform feasibility studies & evaluate user reqmts. Reqd 3 yrs of IT related exp Bach's deg in IT / Electronics / Business Administration or its foreign deg equiv. Resumes to job Location: Lambdanets Inc, 2929 Kenny Rd, Ste 210, Columbus, OH 43221.